Grappling with Pressure Loss and Gasification in the GAB

A MARANOA grazier has constructed his own ‘great wall’ in a bid to overcome ongoing issues of gas build-up in his once-reliable Great Artesian Basin bore. An article has been posted about it on the Queensland Country Life website. Read the article by clicking the below link or click here.

The link to the article:

Credits:  We wish to acknowledge Queensland Country […]

Directional drilling

Directional Drilling

Shine Lawyers Dalby discussed directional drilling at the BSA AGM on 13 October 2015.

Read the presentation here>

Risks to bores and problems with “make good”

There are genuine risks posed to water bores from CSG activities. Essentially they are quantity risks which are due to drops in water levels of a bore due to direct removal or movement between aquifers and quality risks which…

Lack of confidence in the underground water baseline model

Underground Water Impact Management report is the report the government is using for baseline modelling of underground water and BSA is aware that it has not included information from one of the major CSG company players – Arrow Energy. It also does not factor in the impact of thousands of abandoned exploration holes in the Surat and Galilee Basins.

Water draw-down – loss of water quantity

BSA has concerns that the water from aquifers that lie above and below will be drawn down (drain into coal seams) as water is extracted from Coal Walloon Measure. There is little to no research on the long term impacts.

Underground water – no limit to the amount CSG can take

The Coal Seam Gas industry is predicted to extract up to 350,000 ML of groundwater per year – that’s equal to about two-thirds of Sydney Harbour or the size of Somerset Dam. And yet, there are no laws preventing an unlimited take of this water. All other water users are regulated heavily in terms of their water-take but CSG companies are exempt.

Underground water inter-connection could lead to contamination

The process of removing gas will involve the drilling of up to 40,000 wells in Qld alone. The risk of Interconnection of underground water aquifers is very real. Farmers, graziers, households and many regional towns rely on underground water. If underground water aquifiers interconnect, a highly salty poor quality water supply could contaminate the nice clean high quality water supplies.