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So far bsaadmin has created 120 entries.

Landholders worry about communication

BSA Secretary Neil Cameron was given the reception phone number at Arrow Energy to contact if he had landholder concerns after the company fired a number of its land liaison officers this week.

BSA Meet and Greet

Members, non-members, landholders, interested community members are all welcome to come along and tell us what issues you’d like BSA to be focussing on and how we can support landholders in the most effective way.

Flawed environmental approval process for CSG

BSA has been publicly stating its concerns about the lack of environmental scrutiny that has been given to the development of CSG industry in Queensland for years.

Allowing coal seem gas wells on property ‘a mistake’

Allan Nothdurft talks to ABC about his family’s health concerns, loss of privacy and inadequate compensation.

Risks to bores and problems with “make good”

There are genuine risks posed to water bores from CSG activities. Essentially they are quantity risks which are due to drops in water levels of a bore due to direct removal or movement between aquifers and quality risks which…

Landholders need to be aware of the impacts

Landholders approached by CSG companies need to be aware critical importance of seeking independent legal advice on all aspects of CSG development on your land as any Conduct and Compensation Agreement you enter into with a CSG company…

Well stimulation and fracking

CSG Well Stimulation methods (such as hydraulic fracking) create expanded pathways for the movement of water and gas underground. These processes bring with the added risks to groundwater supply and groundwater quality.

Baker family on The Project

Megan Baker and her family, near Dalby, share their CSG experience with Channel 10’s The Project.

Mining coup in Queensland removes public objection rights

The Queensland government has recently removed long-standing public rights to object to mines. In shades of the Bjelke-Petersen era, Queensland mines minister Andrew Cripps made fundamental changes one minute before the bill was passed by the Parliament at 11:57pm.

CSG lessons learnt the hard way

Farmers on Queensland’s Darling Downs are hitting back at the inexorable expansion of coal seam gas (CSG) across their farms, claiming water resources are being damaged, farm operations interrupted and their way of life altered.