Key to co-existence is understanding

The first step to co-existence for mining and agriculture is establishing a respectful relationship between the two parties.

Driller defends water bores in asbestos row

Asbestos contaminated additives have no place in bore water drilling according to one local driller, Ian Hansen.

BSA asks CSG industry to put its water where its mouth is

The long-awaited QGC Kenya water treatment plant, which officially opened on Wednesday, is not the saviour to agricultural and community water security that the government and industry are claiming it to be, according to BSA.

Breakfast before hours featuring David Hamilton

Learn more about the role of the BSA at Dalby Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Before Hours on Wednesday 19 March, featuring our very own, David Hamilton.

Contamination alarm in Western Downs

CONCERNED landholders say resources industry workers taking a careless approach to vehicle wash-down procedures could have disastrous financial implications for agriculture on the Western Downs.

Coexistence Criteria for Agriculture and CSG Mining

Coexistence criteria should never be a “one-size-fits” all approach. Every land use and farming enterprise is unique and every situation will require specific consideration e.g. Intensive livestock or organic farming cannot be treated just like extensive grazing and conventional farming.

Farmers stand ground against gas claims

On the plains west of Dalby on Queensland’s Darling Downs, fortunes have been made by farmers who have embraced the Sunshine State’s spreading gas boom.

QGC water plant is not all good news

The long-awaited QGC Kenya water treatment plant, which officially opened on Wednesday, is not the saviour to agricultural and community water security that the government and industry are claiming it to be, according to BSA.

Abandoned mining holes could spark gas disaster

The long-awaited QGC Kenya water treatment plant, which officially opened on Wednesday, is not the saviour to agricultural and community water security that the government and industry are claiming it to be, according to BSA.

Regional plan threatens future of local farms

The long-awaited QGC Kenya water treatment plant, which officially opened on Wednesday, is not the saviour to agricultural and community water security that the government and industry are claiming it to be, according to BSA.